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Episode 30: What’s a Money Story & Why Should You Care? (Money Series 2)
Episode 30: What’s a Money Story & Why Should You Care? (Money Series 2)

Hey gang!

Welcome to The Brilliant Creative Podcast, Episode 30.

  1. What’s a Money Story & Why Should You Care? (Money Series 2)




It is if:

You need a little love around money.

You and money don’t get along as well as you’d like.

You want to be better friends with money.

You’ve been ignoring money for long enough, and it’s time to pay attention.

When you hear the word money, you get that gut punch feeling in your gut.

You’re thinking you want to have a financial goal, but you’ve never had one before.

You’re curious about what a money story is!

You want to start working on your money life.

Whatever your money story is, you’d like to rewrite it!


Ok, here’s what we’re going to do in today’s episode.


  1. I’m going to tell you what a money story is, and give you some examples.
  2. I’m going to tell you how your money stories affect your behavior
  3. I’m...
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Episode 29: What’s a Money Block and Why Should You Care? (Money Series 1)

Uncategorized May 09, 2022
Episode 29: What’s a Money Block and Why Should You Care? (Money Series 1)

Hey there Business Friends!


Welcome to The Brilliant Creative Episode 29:

What’s a Money Block and Why Should You Care?


Before we begin, let’s find out: IS THIS EPISODE FOR YOU?

It’s for you if:

You want to learn about money blocks.

You hear the word money, and immediately have a negative reaction.

You don’t feel confident about money but want to.

You think you might have some money blocks.

You’re curious about how changing your thinking about money could help your bottom line.

You’ve heard about money coaching, but have no idea what it is and want to learn.


Here’s what’s happening in today’s short podcast:


  1. I’m going to define money blocks.
  2. I’ll give you examples so you can relate, or not relate.
  3. You’ll learn if you have some of these money blocks.
  4. I’m going to invite you to come to a free masterclass all about identifying and getting rid of your money blocks.



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Episode 28: Get Your Business Unstuck with these Three Magical Words

Uncategorized May 02, 2022
Episode 28: Get Your Business Unstuck with these Three Magical Words

Helllllooo lovely people!

Welcome to The Brilliant Creative Podcast Episode 28!

Episode 28: Get Your Business Unstuck with these Three Magical Words


Before I go on, lemme tell ya what we’re going to do in today’s short podcast so you can decide if this one's for you.

  1. I’m going to tell you it’s ok if you are stuck. Lots of business owners are stuck, feeling aimless, and wondering about their purpose right now.
  2. I’m going to share a magical sentence starter I use for myself or for my clients when they want to get unstuck and MOVING.
  3. I’ll give you lots of examples, because I know you love examples. I know this because you tell me….AND, when I listen to podcasts I LOVE examples. It helps me relate the teaching to my business and life.
  4. I’m going to gently suggest, if you like this sentence starter you put it up in front of you where you’ll see it.


That’s it gang. This is a quick, focused episode. Sound good?...

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Episode 27: Distracted Much? 10 Prompts to GET FOCUSED RN!! (Right now!)

Uncategorized Mar 14, 2022

Hey gang….I’m here today to talk to the DISTRACTED business owner.

Is that you?

There are a LOT of things for you to get distracted with. I know. OOOFF, I know!


I know about this space.  If you own or have ever owned a business, this is a place where we business owners can lose time and energy. And we can lose focus here.


You know, when you aren’t clear about your own branding, or your own products, or your own workday in general it’s way easier to LET yourself be distracted.


If you don’t have clarity around your own plan, your own program…It’s much easier to look at someone else’s instagram feed as opposed to creating your own posts. Is it easier to read someone else’s blogs/articles instead of writing your own? If this is you….listen in.


There is definitely a time and place for being distracted, until it gets in the way of accomplishing your business goals. Tuning into...

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Episode 26: What do You Mean You Don't Know About Hal Elrod's Miracle Morning?


Hey there friends!!! Welcome to Episode 26 of The Brilliant Creative Podcast, What do you mean you don’t know about Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning?


In this episode I’ll teach you all about Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning which is a powerful morning routine that you can customize to fit your current morning routine needs.


This episode is for you if:

You find yourself fumbling in the morning and you’re ready to instead, hit the ground running.

You wake up and have negative or debilitating thoughts running through your mind those first minutes of the day and you’re ready to take control of that.

You feel like you know you could be taking advantage of your morning energy but you don’t know how.

You’ve heard about powerful morning routines and you want to hear about one that works.


Today’s episode is for you whether you have a business or not. If everyone used Hal’s Miracle Morning Routine the world...

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Episode 25: The 30 - Day One Goal Focus Technique

goals Feb 21, 2022

Hello, hello brilliant entrepreneurs!

Welcome to Episode 25: 30-day One-Sheet-One-Goal Technique.

Today I want to help you get focused on ONE THING.

Can you tell me, is this you right now?? 

It’s the beginning of the year and you want to do ALL THE THINGS!

Because YOU CAN.

So your list is big and your brain is ON FIRE.

And you’re so excited!!!

Which is great, and then…it’s time to put all of your excitement into action.

Which requires setting some goals, and breaking them down into smaller parts.


So you don’t start. 

And then you feel bad that you didn’t start. 

And now you’re spiraling a bit.

And then you feel paralyzed. 

And stuck. 

And there’s a whole lot of time wasted inside your head. 

It’s hard to make decisions. 

And you don’t get a dang thing done. 

Does that resonate?
If so, it's ok. It's a...
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Episode 24: Entrepreneur Chat with Multipassionate Creative & Owner of 3 Businesses Bailey Aro Hutchence


Welcome to Episode 24!

“Entrepreneur Chat with Multipassionate Creative and Owner of 3 Businesses, Bailey Aro Hutchence.”


This chat can help you all through the entrepreneurial hard parts and the stuck parts….for those of you in ANY stage of business. Whether it’s opening your first business, your second, or even your third; tune in. You’ll benefit from YEARS OF KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE in today’s episode!


Today’s Podcast is for you if:


A- You’re currently feeling stuck and alone because it’s lonely at the top and you want to feel like someone gets you….and has been where you are.

B- You want to hear from someone who has started and runs 3 solid businesses while still taking time off to travel, write, and go deep with special projects and planning.

C- You want to hear from someone who THINKS BIG!!

D- You have a business, and you need some KEEP GOING energy!!!

E- You want to hear what...

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Episode 23: Entrepreneur Chat with Watercolor + Urban Sketch Artist Sam Nielsen



Sam is a shining example of a brilliant creative!!!!

I love everything about her story, her business, and her journey from teacher to full-time artist and stay-at-home mama!  And I very much love her heart. Her heart leads everything she does. Her heart is at the core of her family, her schedule, her business, her words and of course, her art.


Here’s what we dive into on today’s podcast:


  1. What it really looks like to have a successful art studio run from your home.
  2. Multiple income streams in an art business
  4. What discipline looks like when you are in charge of YOU, YOUR BRAND, YOUR INCOME
  5. Why ya gotta get friendly with failure, and know that crickets are OK
  6. Seeing the signs + listening to the voice, your intuition, + hearing the Holy Spirit
  7. It’s ok to STUMBLE!!!!! Stumble away. Please.
  8. Having a baby + becoming a mama in the middle of having a successful business


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Episode 22: 27 Things to Work on with Your Coach

coaching Jan 24, 2022

Hey gang…welcome to Episode 22, 27 Things to Work on With Your Coach.


The purpose of today’s episode is to help you think about what your coach could do for you these next couple of months. 

What part of your biz needs a little zshuzsh? A little shining? A little refining?

Want some ideas? 

Maybe some part of your life needs a little extra? 


Friends, I’ve got some ideas for you. I literally have a list of over 400 ideas. But I won’t do 400 today…I’m streamlining to 27. That seems like plenty for one episode. 


This episode is for you if:

     You or your biz got a little off track during Covid.

     You have coaching sessions you want to get back to.

     You need to feel some momentum somewhere, anywhere!

     You want to get focused again. 

     You want to start coaching, and want some ideas of what you could...

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Episode 21: How to let go of (or get better at) Commissioned Work in Your Creative Business



Thinking about letting go of some of your commissioned work? Maybe you want to let go of all of it? Or maybe you want more of it?


Today’s episode is all about commissions…the positives, the negatives and at the end, we’ll talk about how you can structure your commissions so they feel good to you, if you decide to keep taking them.


Who should listen to today’s episode?


Well, if you:

  • Find yourself putting your commissioned work off until the last possible minute
  • Occasionally resent doing your commissioned projects because they pull you away from other exciting projects, and you’re trying to figure out what to do about it.
  • Want more commissioned projects
  • Do mostly commissioned projects, and you want to refine your systems


You might be saying, OK Ang…I don’t feel strongly one way or the other…..I think I want something in between, some commissions, but not a steady diet of them. If...

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