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Episode 31: Money Boundaries…What are they & Should I Get Some? (Money Series 3)

Uncategorized May 23, 2022
Episode 31: Money Boundaries…What are they & Should I Get Some? (Money Series 3)

Welcome to The Brilliant Creative Podcast!

This is Episode 31.

Money Boundaries…What are they & Should I Get Some? (Money Series 3)


This episode is rated E for everyone….or at least everyone who wants to improve their money life. Whether you want to improve your money life a little or a lot, jump on!!


Learning some of these terms is one of the first steps in changing your money life. Even if your money life is PRETTY DANG GOOD…but you know it could be better, this is a good place for you to be.


This is an especially good episode for those of you who:

  • tend to use money to nurture friends, family or others
  • have teens, tweens, college students, or young adults…and you want to get intentional about how you do money with your kids during these various phases of life
  • want to “tighten the belt” a little around money either amongst your family members or even around just yourself
  • have always “done money” a certain way and want to try “doing money” a different way
  • just want to learn more about money coaching…and be exposed to thoughts, terms, conversation and mindset that a money coach talks about


A money boundary is knowing your preferences and limits around money and also holding those boundaries. Push play on Episode 31 and learn more!


And, if you’ve been listening to the money series on the podcast, and if you’re liking all of this money coaching stuff…I’ve got some options for you to dig a little deeper.


The first is a free Money Masterclass all about Money Blocks. You’ll find out what some of your money blocks are, and you’ll learn a step-by-step method to identify them and start to get them out of the way. More information at


And the second is an awesome little something you can do right now. It’s a freebie…and one of my faves. It’s a mini-training called Clearing Money Clutter. It’s a checklist with an audio training you can have immediate access to.  You can start clearing your money clutter today, like in 5 minutes. It’s almost like a DIY money clean up. If you’re thinking you want to make some changes around money….start here, with the Clearing Money Clutter Checklist and Audio. It feels really good to start getting money organized and under control. It’s actually almost a little magical. You can find that free mini-training at




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