Life by Design Course
With Katie + Ang
A 6-week, self-guided course for people ready to get intentional with their life. Life by Design has a feel-good blend of personal development, coaching tools, coaching chat, creativity, momentum + fun!
Join us for this life-changing, beginner course in where we gently support you as you work through multiple coaching exercises to design a life you love. We'll help you get clear on YOU, what's happening now and what you want to happen next. We'll help you set your intentions (or goals) for these next months (and even years). We'll help you uncover your life purpose as you see it now. We'll help you design your own highly personalized + meaningful vision board. ✨

Benefit 1
Experience feeling good!!! Learn your most heartfelt values and get clarity around your yes's and your no's. Feel good when you say YES to what lights you up and NO to what doesn't. Enjoy how exciting it feels to be IN ALIGNMENT with what you truly care about!

Benefit 2
Feel confident and excited about your decisions, big and small. Learn how to (and get permission to) make decisions that are best for you, instead of making decisions based on what you think you "should" be doing.

Benefit 3
Learn our step-by-step method to setting intentions and goals that feel good and right to you. Learn easy ways to keep your goals top-of-mind so you can experience forward momentum. Learn the magic of the words + images you use and see each day, and surround yourself with the words and images that will help you effortlessly uplevel your work, your home, your relationships, your money, your life.

"This course was life-changing! I really can't say enough good things about it and everything you do. I'm so grateful to be a part of this group and to know you. It's been one of the best on-going experiences of my life."
-Previous Life by Design Participant

"This course was the right-sized dose of accountability, eye-opening exercises & actionable steps towards turning your goals into reality. Totally recommend!"
-Previous Life by Design Participant

"This course was a great way to jumpstart the year and to become crystal clear on what it is I want now and in the future."
Previous Life by Design Participant
Life by Design
With Katie + Ang
Get ready for life to get exciting. Get ready for life to feel good.
Get ready to get clear, get a plan, and get moving.
This 6-week course is purposeful, creative, life-changing and fun. We'd LOVE to have you!
Here's a peek inside the course:
- Anytime access to 6 course modules
- Access to downloadable 32-page full-color workbook
- Welcome/Orientation Video
- 5 Mindfulness videos or audio files to help set the tone before for each week's module
- 5 Video trainings for the first 5 modules/weeks.
- 1 LIVE Virtual 90-minute Vision Board Workshop for Week 6. Date TBA in our Private FB Community
- Ideas, Inspiration, Step-by-step Guidance, Excitement, Positive Attitudes, Motivation, + Can-do Energy and MORE!

Module 1/ Week 1
VISION: Get clear on what's actually important to you with our coaching tools for life values + life vision. Feel clarity around your future with simple exercises! Create a values list, values statements, and motivating words + phrases list. Meet your future self visualization + journaling exercise. Week 1 is full of hope, possibility and promise. The exercises are powerful yet simple.

Module 2/ Week 2
CELEBRATE PAST/CONSIDER YOUR FUTURE: Learn how to calm your body and center yourself with our simple breathing exercise. Explore, examine, and celebrate previous successes and contributions, while determining your next steps here. Week 2 feels good, and sets the tone for deciding how you want to show up this next year.

Module 3/ Week 3
WHO ARE YOU NOW? WHO DO YOU WANT TO BE? Using 3 different types of "I am" Statements, learn how to use affirmations and positive self-talk to easily get to the next level in life or business. (Almost effortlessly!!!) Week 3 helps you start moving into the next phase of your life, whatever that is for you. Enjoy a guided meditation on creativity you can use anytime to welcome creative thought. Week 3 creates momentum.

Module 4/ Week 4
SET INTENTIONS: Get started with a 10-minute Slow Flow Yoga Practice, and then move onto goal setting questions that help you start to figure out what goals and intentions you want to set for the future. We introduce the S.M.A. R.T. method to keep you on-track in setting your One, 5, and 10-Year Goals. Setting your goals and intentions after completing Modules 1-3 feels good. You're newfound clarity will help you feel confident about setting your goals/intentions.

Module 5/ Week 5
PURPOSE + ORGANIZE: Purpose statement, brain declutter exercise + putting it all together. Building on all that you've gotten clear on so far, create a life purpose statement that feels good now. Enjoy the simplest brain declutering exercise (which you could use every day!) and enjoy consolidating your most important learning from weeks 1-5 on your 9-square finishing document. Week 5 helps you organize your learning and helps keep you focused on your next steps.

Module 6/ Week 6
VISION BOARD WORKSHOP: Join Katie + Ang Live!!! We're helping you create a visual representation of what your future life looks like. We'll meet you online for a Vision Board Workshop. Katie and I will both be creating fresh vision boards from scratch, while showing examples, giving hints, tips and strategies for creating a vision board that helps you get where you want to go. You'll create a HIGHLY personalized vision board, while also feeling solidly connected to your life purpose + intentions. JOIN US!!!

Meet Katie + Ang

Money Back Guarantee

Do I need to schedule time to be at a class? Or do it on my own?
Modules 1-5 are all on your own time. The Vision Board Workshop will be held live (date TBA). If you are unable to attend this live virtual event, the replay will be posted in Module 6/Week 6. You'll be able to watch it whenever you're ready.
Is this a 6-week course or can I do it faster?
This course is set-up to be completed over a 6 week period of time. The modules are labeled Week 1, Week 2, etc. We recommend you block 2-ish quiet, alone hours each week to dive into each module. The work you do is kind of like a crock pot...it cooks a little bit and changes over time. It's nice to have some time in between the modules. But the course could be finished in a week if you had the time blocked and you wanted to complete it quickly.
Will I get immediate access?
Yes. Immediately after your purchase you receive access to the first two modules/weeks, including the full 32-page workbook. We recommend you print the workbook right away so you have it ready, and dive into your first module during your first week, and your second module during your second week. After your second week, the rest of the course is opened to you.
Is there live coaching?
No. This course has been created to work for those of you who want to do some deep dives on your own. But know that the training videos will guide you and will help you along the way!
What will the FB group be used for?
The private FB group will be used to augment the videos and learning done inside the course. You can ask questions here, we might make some announcements. Most of the work will be done inside your course portal, but the FB group provides an opportunity for community and conversation.
When will the live virtual Vision Board Workshop be?
We are getting it scheduled now and will announce the date/time in the FB group. You will receive a link to attend.
If you cannot come to that, the replay will be posted in Module 6.
How do I access the trainings?
You'll receive a username and password via email to get into your course portal. The course is built on the Kajabi platform.
How much is the course?
Is there a payment plan option?
Not for this course. Our payment plans come into play for courses $400 and up.
Will I have lifetime access?
This course will be available to you as long as the course is up and running, which is phrased as, "for the lifetime of the course".
Is this a beginner, intermediate or advanced course?
Ooohhhh great question. This is an introduction into the world of coaching. Many of the coaching tools and exercises we guide your through are ACTUAL coaching exercises I use with my 1-on-1 clients in their first year of coaching. We considered calling this course, "Coaching 101" because it is a beginner course.
Ang, I know you help business owners very often, do I have to have a business?
NO. Definitely NO. This course is for anyone ready to get clear and create a positive, authentic vision for these next days, months and years. This course is not geared towards business owners.....but it will ABSOLUTELY help business owners.
But, it will also help nurses, and administrative assistants, and directors of non-profits, and salespeople, and insurance agents, and mom's coming back to the workforce, and people in any kind of transition, and so many more!! This course is rated "E" for Everyone. Join us!!!
Who should not take this course?
Well...if you're not willing to do a little "work", you might want to skip the course. Success in this course requires some quiet time, some thinking, some reflection and even some dreaming. We'll help, but there is some work to do. ✏️
When is the first official day of class?
Whenever you want it to be. Go at your own pace. We think February, March and April are great times to do this kind of work. BUT...that's because it's winter here and we can easily take time to turn inward + reflect. In May, everyone wants to go outside. Wouldn't it feel nice to have your personal development completed before the sun starts calling? Or maybe, it's summer right now and you want to do your work outside at a coffee shop in the sun. Go where you feel good! Go where you can think big! Just start. It feels really good to do the work. Enjoy!
Purchase the CourseQuestions?
Send your questions to [email protected]. We'd love to help!