What is Business Coaching?
Business coaching is a relationship. It’s where you go for support, guidance, connection, and accountability. A business coach will help you clarify where your business is now, where you want it to be in the future, and help co-create a strategy to get there. Business coaching is a process used to take a business from where it is now, to where the business owner wants it to be.
I partner with my business clients to help them get efficient with their time, create and fortify boundaries, create and establish systems + routines, maximize team productivity, clarify their niche, solidify their brand, + be better communicators. For my clients, work becomes fun again, and they have more time to enjoy home, family, and friends.
Imagine what it would feel like if work was fun again?

Hey there, I’m Ang Stocke.
I’m an experienced teacher, trained coach, speaker, entrepreneur + business owner, with over 25 years of experience. I have real world experience running multiple small businesses at one time, and employing over 200 people throughout the years. These experiences, combined with my ability to teach, coach, communicate + connect help my clients have rich and valuable coaching sessions based on what happens in the real world.
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Do you want to experience a taste of coaching—but you're not quite ready for private or group coaching?
Business coaching is helpful because...
Empowering you to take charge of your business structure + direction - IT GETS EASIER to LASER BEAM FOCUS ON YOUR BUSINESS
Getting focused on your own business helps you stop being distracted by others - YOU MAKE MORE MONEY in LESS TIME
By designing efficient systems that make things flow with ease - YOU MOVE FORWARD FASTER THAN YOU WOULD ON YOUR OWN
By organizing your time, your calendar, your workflow, + your workspace - YOU GET MORE TIME FREEDOM + WHITE SPACE
By creating efficiencies, systems + routines in your business that are missing - YOU START TO SEE OPPORTUNITIES ALL AROUND YOU
Your coach sees your business objectively, with a fresh set of eyes and a new perspective - YOU ENJOY CREATING ORDER FROM CHAOS
As you build foundational structures for your business - YOU FEEL BETTER, CLEAR, PURPOSEFUL + ON-TRACK
Get peace of mind while you gain traction, momentum and clarity during your coaching experience - WORK BECOMES FUN AGAIN
By looking at what’s happening now, what you want to happen next, and your business based on what feels good and right to you
Is business coaching right for you?
Take this quiz and find out, it only takes 2 minutes!
How Coaching Works
Private 1-on-1 Coaching
Coaching is highly personalized. Great coaching happens during one-on-one coaching conversations. Most often, clients sign up for 6 months of coaching at a time, meeting either one or 2x/month. We meet in person, on the phone or virtually on Zoom. Clients prepare for sessions with specific coaching “Prep Questions” sent to them before the session.
Most clients pay in full and up front for their sessions, although some pay monthly or bi-monthly on a payment plan.